The values which underlie the ongoing progress with students in leadership development are embodied in the Character, Leadership and Global Education (CLGE) Programme and reflected through Service Learning efforts undertaken by students. By integrating leadership values within the lessons, SCIA teaches their students to understand the connections between character values and leadership, and they become skilled in identifying core values (aligned to SCIA’s shared values) that are important to them and their leadership experience.
The school’s Leadership Programme is based on Kouzes and Posners’ The Leadership Challenge (TLC) model. The TLC framework was chosen because it is based on empirical research which is useful in providing the basis to develop an awareness of leadership within the students. Studying and understanding behaviour is important within the framework and through the leadership programme, students are encouraged to develop their own model of leadership and to become more self-aware.
There are leadership opportunities for the students within the school and SCIA offers both situational leadership and formal leadership. Keeping in mind that leaders are made, not born; and that the students in the future could be in various different scenarios – be it in management or as a trekking expedition leader – SCIA is dedicated to exploring the different avenues in which a student could rise to the occasion to be a leader, and help them develop their skills, and eventually that they use the position they are for the betterment of others or their community.
SCIA also allows students to put their training into action from running of school events, embarking on student-led initiatives to taking on responsibilities in the classroom as class monitors. The school also customises workshops and trainings to meet the needs of different students.
The Leadership Challenge (TLC) model guides the school’s approach towards leadership development. SCIA leadership curriculum begins from grade 1 up to grade 10 and are customised for each level, with a total of four levels (effective learner, team player, initiator and inspiring leader), providing the students a steady progression in the programme. In the first level – as an effective learner – the students are taught the basics of the TLC practices and commitments. At the last stage, as an inspiring leader, there is an evaluation of cohort leadership training.
SCIA provides leadership opportunities to their students to apply their leadership knowledge, values and the 5 practices of exemplary leaders. Students who are interested in formal leadership, such as serving in the capacity of student councilors and class monitors undergo a rigorous selection process. They first need to be nominated by their classmates, peers and teachers, followed by an endorsement by their teachers. It is also depended on their academic grades, followed by tests and interviews before they are approved. Tough as it sounds, SCIA is determined to challenge the students and also give them a real-world approach so that they may be ready. At SCIA, the emphasis is not made solely on formal leaders. Opportunities for situational leaderships are also provided including project team leaders, house captains, cyber-wellness ambassadors and class committee members.
On 8 June, in line with the spirit of leadership, SCIA will be hosting two events for the public at the school campus. In the morning, SCIA will host the 3rd session of their SCIA Inspires Series forum. The conference, entitled ‘Women of Wisdom (WOW)’, aims to showcase the success of various Cambodian women who have demonstrated outstanding courage to become successful in their respective industries. The SCIA Inspires Series is part of the school’s efforts to contribute to the school’s three signature programmes; Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
In the afternoon, SCIA will host the SCIA Marketplace Fiesta 2019 where both the primary and the high school students will be in charge of managing their booths to sell products and services to students, parents and visitors alike. The booths include carnival games, fashion accessories, food and beverages, and even an art studio. Through the event, students are given an opportunity to exercise the skills involved in effective leadership (e.g.: self-awareness, operational awareness, communication and collaboration, teamwork, people relations) which are 21st century skills in practice. Proceeds from the fiesta will go to SCIA High School Service Learning Project in Prey Veng.
SCIA’s approach for each of its programmes has also been about how they can best nurture the young minds, how to test and challenge them so that they will be ready to lead by example and strive to effect a positive change in others.
“One of our goals in SCIA is to nurture students into Exemplary Leaders, a servant leader who is reflective, determined and socially-responsible for all his or her actions. In SCIA, a deliberate use of practice and dedicated strategies will be taught to improve student’s ability to lead. There will be teacher mentors to model the way, guide and advice students’ throughout their leadership journey with us” – Kong Hwee Ling, Principal, Senior High School
Pre-school to senior high school:
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