Even as incomes rise across the region, many are still going hungry, according to a new report
Levels of hunger are “alarming” or “serious” in 52 countries in the world, according to the latest Global Hunger Index, released in conjunction with NGOs Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide along with the International Food Policy Research Institute.
Among those 52 countries, five are in Southeast Asia. Timor-Leste’s hunger levels fall into the alarming category and, despite a roaring economy, levels in the Philippines are categorised as serious. Indonesia, Myanmar and Laos also fall in this category.
And, even though it has a goal of reaching developed-nation status by 2020, levels of hunger in Malaysia are still at the same level – ‘moderate” – as Vietnam and even Cambodia, which three decades ago was experiencing widespread famine.
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Not enough food on the plate
Even as incomes rise across the region, many are still going hungry, according to a new report