Hello Sightlines readers,
Our features this week show the effects of political and environmental decisions on the population, whether humans or animals. As long-tailed macaques are smuggled into the U.S. by Cambodian politicians, Indonesia’s environmental experts are at a crossroads between ecotourism and electric vehicles. In the meantime, as discussions on women’s empowerment in the Philippines continue, religious crackdowns persist in Malaysia while Vietnamese internet users are under tightened government control.
A Cambodian high-level official was arrested in the United States for wildlife trafficking while on his way to a meeting to discuss endangered species trade regulations. Globe’sAnton L. Delgado reported the “ironic tragedy” revolving around the illegal smuggling of long-tailed macaques into the United States that resulted in criminal indictments against eight people.
In an exclusive interview with Globe’s managing editor Amanda Oon, author and human rights advocate Christine Amour-Levar talks about the challenges and strengths of women in the Philippines amidst decades of political instability.
Meanwhile, as silencing online dissidents has become increasingly difficult in Vietnam, the parliament released an official decree for the implementation of the 2018 Law on Cybersecurity. Writing for the Globe, Govi Snell dives into the growing attempts of the Vietnamese government to keep a close eye on online activities across the country.
Malaysian Muslims are facing high risks of imprisonment if they violate Islamic law, as religious authorities intensify control over anti-Islam activities. Liani MK dives into the challenges of young Malaysians living in a dual legal system, which allows some federal states to apply Islamic laws.
As Indonesian communities in the Raja Ampat islands strive for eco-sustainable forms of tourism, Jack Brook reports how new infrastructures for electric vehicle maintenance might pose a threat to environmental conservation.
That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoy the features.